Rating system

Sistem de notare

★ Nu mi-a placut, m-a dezamagit.
★★ A avut parti interesante si parti plictisitoare. Nu e genul de carte pe care as citi-o in general.

★★★ Nu e o carte rea, insa ii lipseste ceva care sa ma fac sa o indragesc cu adevarat.

★★★★ Mi-a placut aceasta carte. E interesanta si o recomand si altora.

★★★★★ Aceasta carte ajunge direct in topul cartilor mele preferate. O ador! Am s-o recitesc cu siguranta!

Rating system

★ I didn't like it. It disappointed me.

★★ It had both, interesting and boring parts. It isn't the type of book I would usually enjoy.

★★★ I enjoyed this book, but there's something missing - that "thing" that makes me really like it.

★★★★ I liked this book a lot. I recommend it!

★★★★★ This book goes straight to my "top favorite books" list. I adore it! I will definitely re-read it!

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